
The Sherry category is, in the modern world of marketing, being forced to re-invent itself to appeal to a wider audience. Previously a prominent sector in the overall drinks market, Sherry has suffered a decline at the hands of the fickle image-conscious modern customer, much to the chagrin of the aficionado.

However quality wines are still readily available to the discerning consumer and the connection between Emilio Lustau and the Society of Vintners is one of the most enduring relationships.

Under the 'Cosecha' label a full range of Sherries is offered through the Membership from Manzanilla and Fino, to Amontillado and on to Pale Cream and Cream.

Great confidence is placed in these wines which are believed by group members to be superior in quality to the big High Street brand names.

Visit for more insight into an underrated category.

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